Favorite Patreon instructors? They're all good, but I find David Pots teaches at my level. Trying to learn too much too fast has been very frustrating.

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David is a great teacher. Spending 25 minutes teaching a song instead of trying to cram everything into a 6 minute video is very effective. With shorter videos you're constantly trying to move the video back 2 seconds to see something again. David's lessons match what the student needs to do. Take things slow at first and gradually increase the tempo as you get more comfortable with the piece.

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Hey. Thanks for sharing this. I have just started learning to play guitar and these tips and blogs really help with the practice. I always thought I would be bored picking up my guitar everyday but I was wrong the guitar I bought from Rock Guitars is totally customized for me and I love the feel of it.

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Thanks for sharing. I'm glad to share ideas that might help. A lot of beginners worry that their fingers are going to hurt. But learning guitar doesn't hurt that much and it sure isn't boring either.

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I think losing track of what you already learned is a big (and fairly new) problem with learning online.

This is helpful for people finding themselves lost in confusion!

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I agree. It is a fairly new problem. If you bought a book to learn from you'd probably work through it for a while before buying another one. But with videos it's too easy to start watching something else without even practicing the thing you just wanted to learn.

I try to keep printers as far away from my work area as possible. It's a little habit but it keeps me from printing something unless I really plan on using it. With endless streams of videos on auto-play it takes a lot of self-discipline to stop consuming and start creating. Watching isn't really learning. You have to learn by doing.

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